Advocacy Resources

Get involved, take action, save wolves!

The best way to influence wildlife policy is to get directly involved with your local state or federal wildlife “management” agency. Keep tabs on management plan update schedules, hunting/trapping status, and rule-making; submit public comments; attend meetings and give verbal public comments when possible; and get to know the commissioners who are supposed to represent you.

Management agencies

States with Gray Wolves (Canis lupus):


US Fish & Wildlife Service
Federal actions and regional information related to grey wolves in the United States.
USFWS also oversees a Mexican Gray Wolf recovery program in Arizona and New Mexico and a Red Wolf recovery program in North Carolina. Both the Mexican Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf are critically endangered and are still protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

USDA Wildlife Services
Read annual program data reports, including tallies and methods of animals killed by the agency.

Wolf coalitions and conservation campaigns

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